Dosing Unit MDS Liquid FeederDosing Unit MDS Liquid FeederDosing Unit MDS Liquid Feeder
Dosing Unit MDS Liquid Feeder
Dosing Unit MDS Liquid Feeder
Dosing Unit MDS Liquid Feeder

Dosing Unit MDS Liquid Feeder

Colouring with liquid can be a challenging operation. It all depends on reliable dosing, often at extreme low dosage rates. Variation in viscosity of liquids and spill-free handling are the main issues. Movacolor has developed a modular liquid dosing system with one universal motor unit, two pump types and several spill-free packaging concepts. This offers you the possibility of composing your optimum configuration.
Dosed Material
ca 0.048 - 47 l/h (for H2O)

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Ing. Michal Mihalík, PhD.


The modular design offers quick and easy colour change and the packaging concept to guarantee spill-free handling allows wide range application of gravimetric MCLiquid. The most common installation is dosing of liquid colours at PET preforms injection by peristaltic pump. With peristaltic pump is colour change very fast and simple - you just need to change the barrel and hoses. The gravimetric control automatically compensates for the variation of colour viscosity.
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