Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXSInjection Moulding Machine BOY XXSInjection Moulding Machine BOY XXSInjection Moulding Machine BOY XXSInjection Moulding Machine BOY XXS
Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS
Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS
Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS
Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS
Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS

Injection Moulding Machine BOY XXS

Injection machine BOY XXS with the smallest maximal clamping force 63 kN for micro injection moulding from BOY house - injection machine with modern machinery technology with proven technics and all advantages of our bigger machines. This machine is equipped with multi-patented control system Procan ALPHA® as well as bigger injection machines.
Clamping Force
63 kN
Screw Diameter
8 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm
Max. Shot Weight
10.2 cm3
Distance between Tie Bars
160 mm (205 mm diagonally)
Processed Materials
thermoplastic, elastomer, silicone (LSR), high wear thermoplastic
servo-driven gear pump

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Ing. Petr Betáš


The BOY XXS is not equipped as common with this size injection moulding machines with a plunger type injection but with a reciprocating plasticizing screw with diameters from 8 to 18 mm working after the "FIFO" principal and with specific injection pressures up to 2 750 bar. The intelligent design is ideally suited for the requirements of micro injection moulding. A 8 mm plasticizing unit assures shortest residence times - a great advantage for considerate processing of temperature-sensitive materials. The innovative and multi-patented Procan ALPHA®4 control provides for absolute precision and repeatability with easy operability. Well-established, cantilevered two-platen clamping system reduces the space requirement to a minimum. The two diagonally arranged tie bars provide optimal access to the plasticizing unit, mould area and ejector. The mould fixing platens are specially designed to fit standard bolsters plate systems of most of the well known bolster manufacturers for micro moulds.
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