Sequential Valve Gate Control SISE GCSequential Valve Gate Control SISE GCSequential Valve Gate Control SISE GC
Sequential Valve Gate Control SISE GC
Sequential Valve Gate Control SISE GC
Sequential Valve Gate Control SISE GC

Sequential Valve Gate Control SISE GC

The GC product line has been developed to control sequential injection (cascades) with respect to connectivity requirements within Industry 4.0. In addition to standard functions, the device can also be equipped with new functions such as SPC - process data collection, interface for connecting pressure and temperature mould sensors, etc.

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Ing. Michal Mihalík, PhD.


control of max 6 up to max 36 valve gates, with several opening/closing options; internal memory for mould files storage; control according to the time, screw position or mould sensors
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